Madison Spencer Architects maintain an office in the heart of Virginia in historic Charlottesville. As a result, we have at hand architectural precedents for town and country homes, equestrian estates of all scales, and small town urban structures. And of course we lay claim to two – yes two – UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the University of Virginia Academical Village and Monticello. A good place to stroll when one desires a modicum of inspiration.
In order to keep our perspectives fresh, for many years we maintained an office on historic Bellevue Avenue in Newport Rhode Island. Certainly what I would describe as one of the most handsome towns on the eastern seaboard. We lost that in the conversion of our building into a private museum. Until we are resituated there we rely upon the New York Yacht Club’s Harbour Court overlooking Narragansett Bay as temporary quarters.
Our work often entails considerable precedent research so beyond having ready access to beautiful buildings, we rely upon the digital universe, our own extensive library and archives, as well as memberships with the Redwood Library and Athenaeum in Newport, the Folly Fellowship in the UK, and the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art in New York.
Our project portfolio includes work from Maine to the Caribbean, Virginia to California. The work is at all scales, with furniture, garden gates, houses and urban plans crossing our desks. A studio approach insures that all opinions are heard. Of greatest value at the start of any project is the thoughtful sketch that tells a story and sets a stage for the lives of our Clients.